What are the characteristics of atv towable backhoe
  2022/11/18| View:268

ATV towable backhoe can cut soil backward and downward. It is applicable to the excavation below the stop working face. The basic operation modes include ditch end excavation, ditch side excavation, straight line excavation, curve excavation, excavation at a certain angle, ultra deep ditch excavation and ditch slope excavation.

Generally, the maximum excavation depth of backhoe is 4-6 m for foundation pit, and the economic and reasonable excavation depth is 3-5 m. When backhoe is used for excavation, it needs to be equipped with a truck for transportation.

Operation mode of ATV towable backhoe:

The excavation method of keeping a certain angle is usually used for the trench excavation of laying pipelines. In most cases, the excavator keeps a certain angle with the straight trench, while the curve part is very small.

When it is necessary to excavate trenches with large area and depth, layered excavation method or combined operation of front and back shovels can be adopted.

ATV towable backhoe

When excavating the trench slope, the excavator shall be located at one side of the trench, and it is better to use an adjustable extended bucket to excavate, so that the excavated trench slope does not need any repair.

The ATV towable backhoe starts excavation from one end of the trench, and then excavates backward along the centerline of the trench. The dump truck stops at one side of the trench, and the excavator boom and bucket rotate 40 ° - 45 ° to unload.

ZANO is a ATV towable backhoe manufacturer from china. We have many years of experience in the production of ATV towable backhoe. At present, the ATV towable backhoe we produce is not only of good quality, but also of low price. If you need it, you are welcome to consult!

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